David Barnett: Showtime | A Carnival of Characters: Soaring Through David Barnett’s Circus
A 180 pages, full color art book is released by Arting Gallery, May 2, 2024

“Faces, places, and times are topsy-turvied in David Barnett’s exhibition at Arting Gallery. Human/animal/mechanized misfits and backdrops are precisely bizarre, as the artist embraces oddity and grotesquery to be an integral part of beauty. A glorious take on glory! A fragile, elegant damselfly hovers amidst gliding frogs, pocket watches, stringed puppets, cars, bikes, blimps, helicopters, and other flying airships and planetary machines. No, Soaring. As the damsel herself soars.”

Barry Nemett, Professor Emeritus at the Maryland Institute College of Art

“It has always seemed to me that Barnett approaches his work – be it collage, drawing, or sculpture – in one of two ways. In the first, he brings order to chaos, taking random, throwaway objects and imposing rules on them, “categorizing” them in a grid or other rigid graphic system... His second approach is to show chaos breaking out of that imposed order.”

John Florio, Faculty, Stonecoast MFA, University of Southern Maine

David Barnett: Showtime was prepared and organized by Arting Gallery, Baltimore, MD

Published by Arting Gallery LLC and O Press LLC. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from the copyright holders.

© 2024, Arting Gallery | © 2024, O Press | © 2024, The Authors
ISBN 979-8-3507-2840-8
Library of Congress 2024934070


David Barnett: Showtime, released by Arting Gallery | May 2, 2024